Masslift Africa
Industrial forklift rental and sales

Who are they
Masslift Africa is the sole distributor of Mitsubishi forklifts in Southern Africa. Our customers come to us because of our commitment to service excellence and our varied product offering which includes new forklifts for sale, used, rentals and more.
What did they need
Masslift Africa required a system that allowed all their branch offices to share data and allow for increased collaboration between departments and branch offices. In addition Masslift Africa was looking for means to streamline IT processes and simplify reporting and management of IT assets
How did we do it
SevenC implemented a on premise solution using advanced Microsoft Windows Server technologies that allowed for all branch offices to work on a real time common set of data. Through our customer centric consultation process a number of value added service were layered on top of the solution to provide auditing, asset and device management to the business. To enhance collaboration Office 365 was deployed to the business, allowing functionality such a full video conferencing to all their users, simplified management of Office packages while ensuring long term cost savings and moving them closer to becoming a truly modern business.